
Select Publications

Fallin, Mallory, Owen Whooley, and Kristin Barker. Forthcoming. “Criminalizing the Brain: Neurocriminology and the Production of Strategic Ignorance,” BioSocieties.

Whooley, Owen. 2016. “Measuring Mental Disorders: The Failed Commensuration Project of DSM-5,” Social Science & Medicine, 166:33-40.

Smith, Tyson and Owen Whooley. 2015. “Dropping the ‘Disorder” in PTSD”, Contexts Magazine, 14(4):38-43.

Whooley, Owen. 2014. “Nosological Reflections: The Failure of DSM-5, the Emergence of RDoC, and the Decontextualization of Mental Distress,” Society and Mental Health, 4(2):92-110.

Whooley, Owen. 2010. “Organization Formation as Epistemic Practice: The Early Epistemological Function of the American Medical Association,” Qualitative Sociology, Special Issue on Knowledge and Practice, 33(4):491-511.

Whooley, Owen. 2010. “Diagnostic Ambivalence: Psychiatric Workarounds and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” Sociology of Health & Illness, 32(3): 452-469.

Whooley, Owen. 2008. “Objectivity and its Discontents: Knowledge Advocacy in the Sally Hemings Controversy,” Social Forces, 86(4): 1367-1390.

Whooley, Owen. 2006. “The Political Work of Narratives: A Dialogic Analysis of Two Slave Narratives,” Narrative Inquiry, 16(2):295-318.

Whooley, Owen. 2004. “Locating Masterframes in History: The Religious Masterframe of the Abolition Movement and its Influence on Movement Trajectory,” Journal of Historical Sociology, 17 (4): 490-516.