Select Publications
Whooley, Owen. 2024. “How Long Does Madness Take? Time and the Construction of Mental Illness in Community Mental Health Work,” Social Problems 71(4): 1164-1178.
Barker, Kristin, Owen Whooley, Erin Madden, R. Neil Greene, and Emily Ahrend. 2024. “The Long Tail of COVID and the Tale of Long COVID: Diagnostic Construction and the Management of Ignorance,” Sociology of Health & Illness 46(S1): 189-207.
Whooley, Owen and Kristin Barker. 2021. “Uncertain and Under Quarantine: Toward a Sociology of Medical Ignorance,” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 62(3): 271-285.
Fallin, Mallory, Owen Whooley, and Kristin Barker. 2019. “Criminalizing the Brain: Neurocriminology and the Production of Strategic Ignorance,” BioSocieties. 14(3): 438-462
Whooley, Owen. 2016. “Measuring Mental Disorders: The Failed Commensuration Project of DSM-5,” Social Science & Medicine, 166:33-40.
Smith, Tyson and Owen Whooley. 2015. “Dropping the ‘Disorder” in PTSD”, Contexts Magazine, 14(4):38-43.
Whooley, Owen. 2014. “Nosological Reflections: The Failure of DSM-5, the Emergence of RDoC, and the Decontextualization of Mental Distress,” Society and Mental Health, 4(2):92-110
Whooley, Owen. 2010. “Diagnostic Ambivalence: Psychiatric Workarounds and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” Sociology of Health & Illness, 32(3): 452-469.